**This is the fourth and hopefully final time to get this post written!**
I really wanted to start sharing more of my projects and I've been getting a lot done. I'm hardly on the computer anymore, except to quickly check out facebook, a few blogs and my favorite site of all PINTEREST! (are you on there?) Oh, it's so much fun! I've saved so many awesome recipes, kid ideas, lots of quilt inspiration. I suggest you head over there and check it out! Well, after you see the two quilts I'm sharing today.
The first is Vintage Christmas. I have a thing for Bunny Hill Designs, and Anne does such a great job designing all these wonderful patterns. This one took me over 3 years to make. (cause you know I have so many projects going on at one time....one thing I learned from my grandma!)
It's very pink and girlie!
The second quilt I want to share is also one of Anne's patterns. Actually it was a free BOM she was doing last year. Several of my friends did it along with me. I used all 1800's reproduction fabrics and wool for the applique. We were all bummed that Anne decided not to do a free BOM for 2012, like she has for the last 3 years. But then now we can catch up on some unfinished projects and start some of the quilts we have patterns for of hers! :)